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Birchwood Cutlery Kit - FSC 100%


Birchwood Cutlery Kit - FSC 100%

Renewable & Compostable Wooden Cutlery is the only choice for compostable cutlery with a high-heat tolerance. more

Birchwood Fork 16cm - FSC 100%


Birchwood Fork 16cm - FSC 100%

Renewable & Compostable Wooden Cutlery is the only choice for compostable cutlery with a high-heat tolerance. more

Birchwood Knife 16.5cm - FSC 100%


Birchwood Knife 16.5cm - FSC 100%

Renewable & Compostable Wooden Cutlery is the only choice for compostable cutlery with a high-heat tolerance. more

Birchwood Spoon 16cm - FSC 100%


Birchwood Spoon 16cm - FSC 100%

Renewable & Compostable Wooden Cutlery is the only choice for compostable cutlery with a high-heat tolerance. more

Birchwood Wrapped Fork 16cm - FSC 100%


Birchwood Wrapped Fork 16cm - FSC 100%

Renewable & Compostable Wooden Cutlery is the only choice for compostable cutlery with a high-heat tolerance. more

Birchwood Wrapped Knife 16.5cm - FSC 100%


Birchwood Wrapped Knife 16.5cm - FSC 100%

Renewable & Compostable Wooden Cutlery is the only choice for compostable cutlery with a high-heat tolerance. more

Birchwood Wrapped Spoon 16cm - FSC 100%


Birchwood Wrapped Spoon 16cm - FSC 100%

Renewable & Compostable Wooden Cutlery is the only choice for compostable cutlery with a high-heat tolerance. more