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Folia I Sugarcane Container 133x90x50mm


Folia I Sugarcane Container 133x90x50mm

The patented Folia™ line was designed to completely redefine the take-out and leftover experience. more

Folia II Sugarcane Container 150x135x63mm


Folia II Sugarcane Container 150x135x63mm

The patented Folia™ line was designed to completely redefine the take-out and leftover experience. more

Folia III Sugarcane Container 175x150x63mm


Folia III Sugarcane Container 175x150x63mm

The patented Folia™ line was designed to completely redefine the take-out and leftover experience. more

Folia IV Sugarcane Container 210x190x61mm


Folia IV Sugarcane Container 210x190x61mm

The patented Folia™ line was designed to completely redefine the take-out and leftover experience. more

Folia VI Sugarcane Container 230x190x90mm


Folia VI Sugarcane Container 230x190x90mm

The patented Folia™ line was designed to completely redefine the take-out and leftover experience. more